Grantee Spotlight


Non-profit Spotlight

The WARM Place

Where children and families who are grieving find hope.

The mission of The WARM Place is to provide year-round grief support services to children and young adults who have experienced the death of a mother, father, sister, brother, or other loved one.

As the first grief support center for children in Texas, The WARM Place was founded in 1989 so that children may safely express their feelings and connect with other families who are grieving. The WARM Place acts as a companion along the grief journey, offering love, support, encouragement, and community. Support is provided with no geographical limits, no time limits, and at no cost to families.

The WARM Place supports children at their specially designed house in Fort Worth, and their education and outreach services support children around the world. This 501(c)(3) non-profit is supported by donors and volunteers, and they could not offer their services without them. Please visit The WARM Place website to learn more. 

And please visit the mission-related pages on this website to learn more about the other organizations supported by R4 Foundation.